We when to this Daidomon Charcoal Barbeque Japanese Restaurant when they having promotion which is after discount the price goes to RM49.90++. And it is also because we did not been there before and the comment for this restaurant is quite good and special so we go to have a try.
Once the waitress lead us to our place and then they will serve us with Sashimi (Salmon, Tuna and etc), Scallops and oyster. Maybe is promotion period so this few thing only can have once.

-- Oyster --
The waitress help us to mixed it with something, I not is oil or butter and put on the Charcoal Stove to cook it.
-- Sashimi --
There are different kind of fish here.. I only know some which is Salmon, Squid and Tuna and some I forgotten the name.. for me the fish is fresh, nice and it cut into quite thick per piece. My darling does not like to eat raw food so he said not nice.
-- Scallops --
the scallops is awesome!! it really nice!! it is so fresh and big!! me and my darling like so very much but sad to say that is the scallops only serve one time. We cant make 2nd order.. >..<''
-- BBQ foods --
The things that we order for BBQ.. there still have many variety you can order from the menu but mostly is beef because both of us cant take beef so we can only show this few types.
-- BBQ + ing the Meat --

-- Except meat there are mushroom, pumpkin and vege for BBQ --
-- Dessert that can get from the front side--
-- Salad --
the salad you can make it yourself and there are different kind of sauce for you to choose. this salad make by darling and I not sure what he has put in but it really taste salty... >~<
-- Pumpkin slice (cooking) --
-- After cook --

-- whole table of foods!! haha --

-- Side dishes --
all this foods can get from front side. The taste is normal , nothing special and I feel that it is Malay or Chinese food that we can have it from outside.

-- Side dishes -- Kuih
Nothing Special!!

-- Soup --
It do not taste anything ... plain... =.=''

-- Interior/Decoration --
There are alot of sake bottle surrounding the place
For my overall comment, it is quite disappointed because what I heard from my friends is the place is really nice and the food is yummy!! Maybe is because of promotion alotz of their foods change.. and replace with alot of Malaysian food which we can get from outside.. ex: kuih, fish ball, fried rice, curry chicken and etc. But I cant ignore is the fish, scallops is really nice and fresh!!
Charcoal Barbeque Japanese Restaurant
Lot 4, Level 3, Great Eastern Mall
No. 303, Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-42528155
Fax: 03-42528166